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Buy it now Ridgeback pajamas, jumpsuit with zipper


pajamas for Broad-chested, narrow-waisted dogs., z.B. Ridgebacks, Whippets, Greyhounds, Galgos, Podencos, Windspiele, Dalmatiner, Viszlas, Doggen usw.

The stuff is Alpenfleece, it has a high cotton content, it warms well and does not charge static. The inside is cuddly soft.

Of the zipper is on the back, it has a protective finish so that nothing presses.

The dog is so cuddly packed and can still move freely. Our customers are always amazed at how happy the dogs are to put their pajamas on, especially if you sleep with the window open and don't want to tuck the dog in every 5 minutes. Also for older dogs with arthrosis or other joint problems. 

The back length is measured from between the shoulder blades to the base of the tail.

For: Rhodesian Ridgeback, Viszla, Dalmatian, Greyhound and many more