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Menschen, denen Qualität und Handwerk wichtig sind. Kunden, die Wert darauf legen, dass ein Produkt jahrelang hält und es einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner gibt. Die Edel und Schnell ist eine Gegenbewegung zu all den billigen, schnelllebigen fast fashion Produkten aus Asien. Unsere verwendeten Materialien stammen aus der Modebranche und sind teilweise auch in den Schaufenstern am Kurfürstendamm zu sehen.

High-quality harness for French bulldogs and other bullies in many colors with a selectable buckle color (silver/rose gold) with a leash


Give your best friend comfort and style with our Y Harness for French Bulldogs and other Bulldog Breeds. This carefully designed harness prevents armpit chafing and provides exceptional comfort to keep your dog comfortable on every walk.

The harness is characterized by its Y design, which ensures even pressure distribution and allows your dog to move freely and unhindered. It is the ideal choice for broad chested breeds as it does not cut or chafe the armpits.

Available in a variety of vivid colors, you can find the perfect harness that not only ensures your dog's comfort and safety, but also highlights their individual style. Each tableware is made from high-quality materials that promise a long service life and easy care.